The Universal Thought

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Stripping the Land of Essences

No explanation is needed for this map/graph....The truth is within the photo. Special Thanks to the fan page of The Reunion of Black Family Worldwide for posting this information.

A Inspiration for Change

This month, I will be posting new videos, articles, photos, facts and more that promote inapiration for change within the community of black mind. We have enough images on a regular basis that does not improve Black life and strips us from our culture while others gravitate towards there own. It is very important to gain the natural benefits of life and culture for your mind to prepare you for the future. Every inch of the blog this month will reflect inspiration to change. All images were collected over time to spark the inner you and create a strong foundation to be proud of, Enjoy!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

The Boondocks

Great Natural Products!!

Great Natural Products!!

Deeply Rooted

Deeply Rooted

Nourish your Dreams

Nourish your Dreams

Bless the Youth with our History!

Bless the Youth with our History!