The Universal Thought

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Cleanse and Detox your body naturally. This is an important post because we’ve all experienced some of the following: (1) bloating and feeling a little “clogged” (don’t be shy!); (2) extra water weight around abs; or (3) intense cravings for a soda (or something sweet). So, before you starve yourself, buy some “Super Fast-Acting Detox Tea” or grab a soda from the vending machine, here are 4 great infused vitamin waters to help cleanse your system naturally. **TIP: add these to your water bottle in the morning and drink an hour later.** (1) Orange & Lemon water: Citrus fruits help digestion especially in room temp (or warm) water. This water can help heartburn, indigestion, gas, bloating, loss of appetite, vomiting & constipation. (2) Cucumber, lime & mint (ginger optional): Good water for water-weight management, hydration, cleansing, controlling appetite, improving mood & energy. (3) Lemon, orange and lime water: Same benefits as number one. (4) Strawberry, orange & mint water: protects immune system, vitamin rich, prevents wrinkles. Remember mint also helps with bad breath and digestion. Hydration is just as important as the food you eat daily - water helps spread nutrients from food throughout your body. Do NOT let fruit sit in the water for more than 48 hours. Thanks

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