Big K.R.I.T Another Naive Individual Glorifying Greed and Encouraging Racism
The Universal Thought
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Reggae Wednesdays...
Sizzla "Woman I Need You"
Tanya Stephens "Its A Pity"
Mr. Vegas "Black and Proud"
Richie Spice "Brown Skin"
Tanya Stephens "Its A Pity"
Mr. Vegas "Black and Proud"
Richie Spice "Brown Skin"
Quote of the Day
Great minds discuss ideas; Average minds discuss events; Small minds discuss people” E.R
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Quote of the Day
No man was ever wise by chance. Someone out there G.N my beautiful people
Monday, March 28, 2011
Quote of the Day
“I would rather have a mind opened by wonder than one closed by belief” G.S.
Mellow Mondays!!
Big K.R.I.T "Dreamin"
Chrisette Michele "The Goodbye Game"
Raphael Saadiq "Good Man"
Rapsody/9th Wonder "Imagination"
Poetri "Money"
Chrisette Michele "The Goodbye Game"
Raphael Saadiq "Good Man"
Rapsody/9th Wonder "Imagination"
Poetri "Money"
Hot Items of the Week
Let Freedom Reign

Visions for Black Men


The Community of Self

Floetic Soul

All Items have Links for you Purchasing Pleasure...
All Items have Links for you Purchasing Pleasure...
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Quote of the Day
A man is but the product of his thoughts what he thinks, he becomes.” Gandhi
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Quote of the Day
Any idiot can face a crisis - it's day to day living that wears you out.
Anton Chekhov
Anton Chekhov
Friday, March 25, 2011
Quote of the Day
I do not weep at the world I am too busy sharpening my oyster knife.
Zora Neale Hurston
Zora Neale Hurston
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Quote of the Day
For Africa to me... is more than a glamorous fact. It is a historical truth. No man can know where he is going unless he knows exactly where he has been and exactly how he arrived at his present place.
Maya Angelou
Maya Angelou
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Quote of the Day
He who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life.
Muhammad Ali
Muhammad Ali
Monday, March 21, 2011
Voices that Heal the Soul When Heard
The Wu is back in full affect...Need i say more another Voice that heals the soul when heard
Quote of the Day
What the mind doesn't understand, it worships or fears.
Alice Walker
Alice Walker
Going Down in Flames...The Rise and Fall of a Wanna be Star (Part 1)
Imagine a young lady at the age of seven, she wakes up for a normal morning preparing for school. She takes she own clothes out and iron them, touch up her hair after she takes off her scarf cause her mother just did it last night, and makes sure her she has a snack in her back for lunch time. She seems independent for a little young lady with a lot of potential but while she doing all of this, her mother is in her bedroom begging the man she just performing god knows what for money. She has regulars through out the week and they all interact with her pure untouched daughter. The little lady has big dreams for her life and wants to become a star. As she grows, she picks up habits from her mother when it comes to dressing, her personality, and her manual to getting everything in life. It works for the little lady and she masters the craft by the age of fifteen. What do both mother and daughter have in common? The reckless decisions that come with their life style and the "cycle" beginnings. The dreams the little lady once had goes out the window and as old folks say, "out of sight, out of mind." She begins on a destructive path with no guidance for becoming another young girl lost.
Many souls walk this earth unconscious with no one to open their eyes to their behavior and what they have become. We all get lost in the hype of the materialistic life style that can be here today and gone tomorrow. There is a alarming rate of females under 30 with children, with STD's, and experimenting in drugs. Wikipedia states the current demographics for the United States,The population growth is fastest among minorities as a whole, and according to the Census Bureau's estimation for 2005, 45% of American children under the age of 5 belonged to minority groups. They also report that in 2010, U.S Census reported 308,745,538 residents. You do the math and base on your surroundings you can concluded majority of this population is a minority and they are suffering from this situation. Why do i say suffering? Young women are out here on a daily basis displaying their reckless behavior just to stay living "the life." That expression takes on so many meanings but most of those meanings are dangerous. The outcome leads to a dead end road with little time left to make corrections. The only ones that benefit within this situation is the car, jewelry, beauty products, clothing companies at the end of this road. So my beautiful sister's i ask you this in closing," Have you ever seen a hearse with a Uthaul behind it?" The path out of this universal problems starts with you!
Many souls walk this earth unconscious with no one to open their eyes to their behavior and what they have become. We all get lost in the hype of the materialistic life style that can be here today and gone tomorrow. There is a alarming rate of females under 30 with children, with STD's, and experimenting in drugs. Wikipedia states the current demographics for the United States,The population growth is fastest among minorities as a whole, and according to the Census Bureau's estimation for 2005, 45% of American children under the age of 5 belonged to minority groups. They also report that in 2010, U.S Census reported 308,745,538 residents. You do the math and base on your surroundings you can concluded majority of this population is a minority and they are suffering from this situation. Why do i say suffering? Young women are out here on a daily basis displaying their reckless behavior just to stay living "the life." That expression takes on so many meanings but most of those meanings are dangerous. The outcome leads to a dead end road with little time left to make corrections. The only ones that benefit within this situation is the car, jewelry, beauty products, clothing companies at the end of this road. So my beautiful sister's i ask you this in closing," Have you ever seen a hearse with a Uthaul behind it?" The path out of this universal problems starts with you!
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Quote of the Day
“No man dies for what he knows to be true. Men die for what they want to be true, for what some terror in their hearts tells them is not true.”- Minnie Riperton
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Quote of the Day
The whole world is run on bluff.
Marcus Garvey
Marcus Garvey
A Lesson Deferred
What is a lesson deferred? A lesson that approaches you with your life that you ignore or value is not taken seriously. The lesson appears again in life taking another form, heighten sense from your conscience cannot ignore the difference between right and wrong.
Divine laws is universal over all nations in all areas of life. It guarntees all things will see their day under the sun. All lessons that come across you in this life are meant to be learn to continue on your path. The path of each individual life unfolds in order to follow and stay under the control of the divine laws. Your conscience serves as a guide to follow in the form aggressive masculine feeling or should i say "gut feeling." With that being said, " Why ignore it when it speaks to you? Do you hear a rebel without a cause speaking against the grain influencing you to go in the other direction? Most importantly, Is that rebel talking actually you?
Have you even had an idea that just came to you and it felt so right but you eventually talked yourself out of doing it? What happen when you decided to go in the other direction? If your path is already structured under the guidelines of the divine law then and only then you will reach your final destiny. If your path was a story, then your destiny will be the happily ever after in the vision we would relate to a fairytale in our reality when we look at our surroundings.
Divine laws is universal over all nations in all areas of life. It guarntees all things will see their day under the sun. All lessons that come across you in this life are meant to be learn to continue on your path. The path of each individual life unfolds in order to follow and stay under the control of the divine laws. Your conscience serves as a guide to follow in the form aggressive masculine feeling or should i say "gut feeling." With that being said, " Why ignore it when it speaks to you? Do you hear a rebel without a cause speaking against the grain influencing you to go in the other direction? Most importantly, Is that rebel talking actually you?
Have you even had an idea that just came to you and it felt so right but you eventually talked yourself out of doing it? What happen when you decided to go in the other direction? If your path is already structured under the guidelines of the divine law then and only then you will reach your final destiny. If your path was a story, then your destiny will be the happily ever after in the vision we would relate to a fairytale in our reality when we look at our surroundings.
Friday, March 18, 2011
Quote of the Day
“In golf as in life it is the follow through that makes the difference.”-Minnie Riperton
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Quote of the Day
“It's been a struggle for me because I had a chance to be white and refused”-Richard Pryor
Enjoy your weekend
Enjoy your weekend
Voices that Heal the Soul When Heard
If a mad science took the smoothness of Sam Cooke, the ruff tenderness of Otis Redding, and the poise of Marvin Gaye and gave it to a young man birth in the 80's....He got it!! I wish you good luck on your endeavors out here and the world. Thank you for your voice that heals the soul when heard.
The Disruptive Cycle On Our Community (Part I)
As I look over pass situations within the environment around me, their is a pattern on every situation. Going on this quest to understand and find out where this pattern has started has been uncomfortable and brutally honest but I rather know before i leave this world rather to not know at all. The average savage will not seek for these answers and if they get the notion to, it happens too late. They normally visit their past as life flashes before them leading into the light of another world. Once again, I rather know now so I start searching.
My ancestors were living in their own community, taking care of their land, nurturing it, and providing needs for their local surroundings. Their skin, body structure, dialect, and survival techniques were adjusted and made over time and time again to build a foundation to stand on proudly. When they were taken out their environment moved to foreign land, they were forced to work under different conditions, climate, and controls. The basic structure of their foundation was been torn out of their minds bit by bit and proceeded into the world we know today because of one man….Willie Lynch. Willie Lynch created a structure for the slave owners to follow that will carry on generations and the foreigners builded their universal foundation off of these methods. More than anything, i see the the sociological effect around me everyday. My beautiful queens are looking in the mirror making decisions to alter their bodies because they are not please with their shapes, changing skin color, adding chemicals that can kill to their hair, and more. My beautiful kings are being looked at as a disgusting vision to our community. The typical black man image is normally associated with these thoughts:
• Dead beat Father
• Jail Bird
• Oversexed
• Homosexual
• Drug Dealer
• Pimp
• Criminal
If you are living under a light that has already broken, How can you be seen? the United States Government now conducts planned campaigns of extensive strategic psychological operations through the national media to influence and direct the perception and climate of the nation towards its governmental objectives. Its unrelenting objective of maintaining white dominance and control resulted in the U.S. Government using these same proven methods of strategic psychological manipulation of its Black population.
When most people hear the term of psychological manipulation they usually think in terms of the classic "conspiracy theory" that refers to overt mind control such as mind altering drugs with carefully hypnotic programming. However, the real and true dangers are the well proven methods of psychological manipulation that works by affecting the unconscious mind through deception, using the psychology of deceit to adversely affect the recipient group in terms of their behavior. It is neither magical nor mystical, but a process that involves a set of basic social psychological principles.
The U.S. Government now secretly deliberately disseminates false deplorably racially devaluing statistics and propaganda of its Black population that are designed to corrupt African Americans sense of unity, cohesion, and reason and to foster a consensual national environment of which its Black population is more easily divided, exploited and ultimately suppressed. -Flankiln G. Jones (
My ancestors were living in their own community, taking care of their land, nurturing it, and providing needs for their local surroundings. Their skin, body structure, dialect, and survival techniques were adjusted and made over time and time again to build a foundation to stand on proudly. When they were taken out their environment moved to foreign land, they were forced to work under different conditions, climate, and controls. The basic structure of their foundation was been torn out of their minds bit by bit and proceeded into the world we know today because of one man….Willie Lynch. Willie Lynch created a structure for the slave owners to follow that will carry on generations and the foreigners builded their universal foundation off of these methods. More than anything, i see the the sociological effect around me everyday. My beautiful queens are looking in the mirror making decisions to alter their bodies because they are not please with their shapes, changing skin color, adding chemicals that can kill to their hair, and more. My beautiful kings are being looked at as a disgusting vision to our community. The typical black man image is normally associated with these thoughts:
• Dead beat Father
• Jail Bird
• Oversexed
• Homosexual
• Drug Dealer
• Pimp
• Criminal
If you are living under a light that has already broken, How can you be seen? the United States Government now conducts planned campaigns of extensive strategic psychological operations through the national media to influence and direct the perception and climate of the nation towards its governmental objectives. Its unrelenting objective of maintaining white dominance and control resulted in the U.S. Government using these same proven methods of strategic psychological manipulation of its Black population.
When most people hear the term of psychological manipulation they usually think in terms of the classic "conspiracy theory" that refers to overt mind control such as mind altering drugs with carefully hypnotic programming. However, the real and true dangers are the well proven methods of psychological manipulation that works by affecting the unconscious mind through deception, using the psychology of deceit to adversely affect the recipient group in terms of their behavior. It is neither magical nor mystical, but a process that involves a set of basic social psychological principles.
The U.S. Government now secretly deliberately disseminates false deplorably racially devaluing statistics and propaganda of its Black population that are designed to corrupt African Americans sense of unity, cohesion, and reason and to foster a consensual national environment of which its Black population is more easily divided, exploited and ultimately suppressed. -Flankiln G. Jones (
Quote of the Day
“I really don't think life is about the I-could-have-beens. Life is only about the I-tried-to-do. I don't mind the failure but I can't imagine that I'd forgive myself if I didn't try.” Nikki Giovanni
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Quote of the Day
“It's going to be horrible. You develop a capability into the other side that puts information into your hands -- and somebody comes along and blows that up.” Paul Mooney
Spoken inner thoughts...
THIS world is a stage or market-place passed by pilgrims on their way to the next. It is here that they are to provide themselves with provisions for the way; or, to put it plainly, man acquires here, by the use of his bodily senses, some knowledge of the works of God, and, through them, of God Himself, the sight of whom will constitute his future beatitude. It is for the acquirement of this knowledge that the spirit of man has descended into this world of water and clay. As long as his senses remain with him he is said to be "in this world"; when they depart, and only his essential attributes remain, he is said to have gone to "the next world."
While man is in this world, two things are necessary for him: first, the protection and nurture of his soul; secondly, the care and nurture of his body. pg 49. Knowledge of the Next World
While man is in this world, two things are necessary for him: first, the protection and nurture of his soul; secondly, the care and nurture of his body. pg 49. Knowledge of the Next World
When it Comes to My People Looking at The Big Picture...
This chick Diamond has a album coming out call, "Cocaine Waitress"...what is the world coming too? Hip Hop used to be consider a reflection of our pain, our people, and the struggles that affect our lives so we can learn form it and overcome it. Now all i hear is these ignorant ass savages talking about a glamorous life they living by exploring in drugs, clubbing an driving cars all off what? illegal activities or the checks that are support to your kids not you....See? This shit is bananas!! While you are sitting somewhere trying to drown your pain with this bullshit music and your drug of choice, People are out here finding new ways to brainwash you. Finding new ways to put borders up around you so you won't succeed. They already feel that they have giving us enough by giving us Obama, he is considered our reparations. The pain that we have endure is forgotten in their eyes so it should be forgotten in ours. If we haven't forgot already, Lets put some distractions around them like bright color clothing, a new pair of Jordan's every month, a new Lambo, Maybach, or some other shit that has a foreign name you can't even pronounce but you will name your kids that shit. There are two different types of tax payers out here, the ones that put their weekend on they company account or they one that even after buying all the you need, you still don't have everything you need to hold you until you get to the next paycheck. I am not trying to preach but every now and then i wish someone will say it.
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