Imagine a young lady at the age of seven, she wakes up for a normal morning preparing for school. She takes she own clothes out and iron them, touch up her hair after she takes off her scarf cause her mother just did it last night, and makes sure her she has a snack in her back for lunch time. She seems independent for a little young lady with a lot of potential but while she doing all of this, her mother is in her bedroom begging the man she just performing god knows what for money. She has regulars through out the week and they all interact with her pure untouched daughter. The little lady has big dreams for her life and wants to become a star. As she grows, she picks up habits from her mother when it comes to dressing, her personality, and her manual to getting everything in life. It works for the little lady and she masters the craft by the age of fifteen. What do both mother and daughter have in common? The reckless decisions that come with their life style and the "cycle" beginnings. The dreams the little lady once had goes out the window and as old folks say, "out of sight, out of mind." She begins on a destructive path with no guidance for becoming another young girl lost.
Many souls walk this earth unconscious with no one to open their eyes to their behavior and what they have become. We all get lost in the hype of the materialistic life style that can be here today and gone tomorrow. There is a alarming rate of females under 30 with children, with STD's, and experimenting in drugs. Wikipedia states the current demographics for the United States,The population growth is fastest among minorities as a whole, and according to the Census Bureau's estimation for 2005, 45% of American children under the age of 5 belonged to minority groups. They also report that in 2010, U.S Census reported 308,745,538 residents. You do the math and base on your surroundings you can concluded majority of this population is a minority and they are suffering from this situation. Why do i say suffering? Young women are out here on a daily basis displaying their reckless behavior just to stay living "the life." That expression takes on so many meanings but most of those meanings are dangerous. The outcome leads to a dead end road with little time left to make corrections. The only ones that benefit within this situation is the car, jewelry, beauty products, clothing companies at the end of this road. So my beautiful sister's i ask you this in closing," Have you ever seen a hearse with a Uthaul behind it?" The path out of this universal problems starts with you!
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